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About Me

Who am I ?

A Full Stack Developer & Open source consultant having 8+ years of solid experience in LAMP (Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL) and XAMPP for Windows stacks. SCJP 1.4.

What do I Do ??

Quick learner for new technologies on the go which are in existing projects or coming new.
Currently going through Drupal 8 module and theme development as it is coming closer to its stable release.
Apart from techie stuff I am an Artist, Enthusiast Gamer, Often Tennis and Ping pong player.

I am only Drupal Developer ??

No. I am an open source developer and consultant. I like to work more in Drupal though I have worked on MVC frameworks like Zend, CiviCRM, Symfony, Laravel etc.

Any special things I have worked in Drupal or LAMP ??
Drupal 8 based 4 internal portals developed with JAVA Web-service integration.
Basic integration of Drupal and part of SAP system.
Used Zend based application to integrate SalesForce API with Social APIs like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
Used Flot Charts JavaScript library to create dynamic charts for live JSON data feed.
Different applications developed with Social APIs like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter based on HTML, JavaScript.
Used APIGEE Edge platform for SOA development and integrations.

Which tools / techs I use often ?

Most Frequent: PHP, APACHE, MySQL, bash terminal, Visual Studio code, PHPCS, PHPCBF, Acquia Cloud / Insight, postman, github & git.
Frequent: Mac, Ubuntu, JavaScript, JSON
Less Frequent: CSS, HTML, XML, JQuery,
Utilities used at some point: rsync, crontab, SASS, CiviCRM,
New learning: Node, Express, Angular and MongoDB

What I have done in Drupal on ??

Drupal Association Individual Member - prathK
Maintainer: Morse Module D6, D7, D8: It converts Morse code to alphanumeric and vice versa. Can be used to encode and decode the Morse codes.

Maintainer: Unique Download module D6, D7: It is a File utility module which provides one time / unique link for media download from the sites/default/files folder. It generates unique link which expires once you download the file or expiry time elapses.

Maintainer: whiteboardframework Upgraded Responsive theme to Drupal 7 version.
Contribution to Drupal community: reviewing projects, submitting patches, attending Drupal camps etc.

Contribution to Drupal community: reviewing projects, submitting patches, attending Drupal camps etc.

Trainings attended :
Drupal Training at Drupal Factory for Installation profiles,
content types theming,
Optimized environmental setup,
Best practices for Drupal module development,
coding standards,
Important Architectural components in Drupal’s performance optimization.

JQuery Training for basic, intermediate level of JQuery based useful snippets. As Drupal contains JQuery and JQuery UI in its JavaScript libraries this training was added advantage.

Attended webinars of Acquia: Commons Foundation WEM, Best Practices for Spam Blocking with Mollom, Accelerate Collaboration with Drupal Commons.