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What's new in Drupal 7 in Brief

With Drupal 7 Following new things were added in brief : 1.New Themes- Bartik,Seven,Stark2.Revamped Admin Interface3.Improved Theming Layer- Inclusion of html.tpl.php and block specified classes with proper naming for every theme. 4.jQuery Updates- Jquery used is 1.4.4 faster and Jquery UI 1.8 added. 5.Ships with CCK- CCK package is included in Drupal core. 6.RDF Support-Technology that is used to implement the semantic web on drupal sites called RDF. With these features drupal 7 has left drupal 6 far away in terms of html5 standards and other accessibility issues.


Exit function shortcut on any function key(F10,F11,F12) Emacs

Add this code in your .emacs file

;; add exit( ) to php code
(fset 'add-exit
[?\C-e return tab ?e ?x ?i ?t ?\; ?\C-x ?\C-s])

print_r("") function shortcut on any function key(F10,F11,F12) Emacs


Add this code in your .emacs file

;; add print_r( ) to php code
(fset 'add-printr
[?\M-w ?\C-s ?\; ?\C-m return tab ?p ?r ?i ?n ?t ?_ ?r ?( ?\S- ?) ?\; left left left ?\C-y ? right right right ?\C-x ?\C-s])
;; set key for above macro
(global-set-key [f10] 'add-printr)


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