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prathK's blog

Developing First Drupal 8 module

As Drupal 8 is coming in few days, its time to start developing modules in Drupal 8 for better support in future. I have ported my module to Drupal 8 recently. There is bit learning curve present in every drupal version. Things become better and better in next version, same is the case with Drupal 8 about improvement but for sure that its not alike D5, D6, D7. All previous versions were not using object oriented approach but more procedure oriented. Hooks were key concepts for any custom module development, but in D8 its not the case.

Drupal PHP Code review and beautification made easy


It has been long time I invested time for automated code reviews. In Drupal 7 and previous versions there were few useful debug tools and modules such as coder module for same purpose. Coder with Krumo was very useful debug tool and could give you overview of issues present under the module you just custom developed. It used Drupal version's coding standards for showing minor, major errors in your code.

MySQL Database Optimization

Once Upon a time.....

Naa... I m kidding... :P this is technical blog.
So lets come to the point..

I was totally unaware about the database optimization specially MySQL
I realized one day that my one of the MySQL server giving problem to all my sites.
Why ??

Because there were 2K tables on the same server.
:O ... 2K tables ??

I was shocked and had to do something to reduce such overhead on the MySQL server.


fatal error: pcre.h: No such file or directory APC installation error

Hi Guys,

I was trying to install APC on my latest ubuntu 11.10.

I received following error while downlaoding and manual install :

fatal error: pcre.h: No such file or directory

Well I had to waste 3 Hrs on the same and after googling it I got the solution.



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